拼音:wén míng de 英文解釋:
civilized; enlightened相關詞條:
civilised 2.
civil 相關對話:
- 不文明的;野蠻的
Not civilized; barbarous.
- 希臘是西方文明的策源地。
Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.
- 考古學家們在那個地區發現了一些古代文明的遺蹟。
The archaeologist find some trace of an ancient civilization in that area.
- 這片廢墟表明了那個文明的悠久歷史。
The ruins told of the age of that civilization.
- 克利奧帕特拉是一個輝煌文明的最後一位法老。
Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of a glorious civilization
- 文明的淵源
origin of civilization
- 紙的發明是對人類文明的一大貢獻。
The invention of paper is a great contribution to human civilization.
- 開化,教化文明化的行為或過程,達到文明的狀態
The act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state