拼音:wèn jīn英文解釋:
make inquiries中文解釋:
打聽渡口,引申為探求途徑或嘗試使子路問津焉。——《論語&... >>查看“問津”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 無人問津nobody cares to ask about sth.
- 高的不敢問津的價格a prohibitive price
- 在這兩者之間的中尺度圍,卻一直乏人問津。But in between is a poorly studied cosmic mesoscale
- "那美容院自己定價過高,以致無人問津。"The beauty parlour priced itself out of the market by charging so much.
- 重新研製此產品的成本高得使人不敢問津。The cost of redeveloping the product is prohibitive.
- 不敢問津not dare to make inquiries
- 肉,我是不敢問津的。Meat, I dared not to contact.