拼音:wéi zhòng 英文解釋:
attach most importance to漢語造句:
- 伏尼契立刻認定這是極為重要的新發現。
Voynich immediately recognized the importance of his new acquisition.
- 他正為重登世界排名第一位而努力。
He is making a bid to regain his World No 1 ranking
- 此事至為重要.
It is a matter of prime importance
- 翻譯他的臉上因為重病而呈現出一種深深的倦意。
Being badly ill, he has a deep tiredness showing on his face.
- 我因為重感冒在屋裡呆了一周。
I have been housed up for a week with a bad cold.
- 正確性在翻譯中最為重要。
A-is most important in translation
- 終身任命的且除因為重大罪行外而不會遭受解職的。
appointed for life and not subject to dismissal except for a grave crime
- 蒸汽坦克鎧甲模式變為重裝的。
Steam Tank armor type changed to Fortified.