- 奧地利維繫河流健康生態的經驗
Experiences of sustaining healthy ecosystem of rivers in Austria
- 社員發展及擴展是扶輪維繫生命的鮮血。
Membership development and extension are the lifeblood of Rotary.
- 家庭內訌難維繫。
A house divided against itself cannot stand
- 具有獨立研發玉米稈纖維繫列新產品的能力。
The ability to develop a series of corn-stalk based products.
- 然而我們需要計算機維繫我們的社會。
Yet we need computers to sustain our society.
- 以公約或條約維繫的民族或國家的組織。
an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty.
- 她說,相互信任和親昵行為對於維繫良好的兩性關係很關鍵。
She said trust and intimacy were crucial to a successful relationship
- 貧窮維繫的家庭比它拆散的還多。
Poverty keeps together more homes than it breaks up.