拼音:wéi mìng shì cóng 英文解釋:
at sb.'s beck and call中文解釋:
同“ 唯命是聽 ”。《左傳·昭公十二年》:“今 周 與四國服事君王,將唯命是從... >>
查看“唯命是從”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 我兄弟總是對我父親唯命是從。
My brother is always at my father's beck and call.
- 我看不起那種唯命是從,唯唯諾諾的人。
I don’t respect people who are too compliant.
- 而且還有一大批的黑人領導人對希拉蕊唯命是從。
She also has a large number of black leaders in her pocket
- 我討厭他,因為他總是唯命是從。
I dislike him because he always does everything as he is told.
- 而且還有一大批的黑人領導人對希拉蕊唯命是從。
She also has a large number of black leaders in her pocket.
- 樂於唯命是從的人
a willing slaves