拼音:wéi lì shì tú英文解釋:
venality【法】 venality
自私自利,只圖有利,其他一切都置於一旁 >>查看“唯利是圖”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 這個人的本性是唯利是圖。The nature of the man is to put profit-seeking first.
- 以唯利是圖的或欺詐的方式。in a corrupt and deceitful manner
- 他這個人一貫都是唯利是圖, 我從來不知道他有什麼無私的行動。He's always on the make; I have never known him do a disinterested action
- 威爾遜先生太唯利是圖了。Mr Wilson had too much of an eye for the main chance.
- 唯利是圖的人僅為獲取金錢而服務或工作的人;以金錢為目的人One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling
- 他這個人一貫都是唯利是圖, 我從來不知道他有什麼無私的行動。He's always on the make; I have never known him do a disinterested action.
- 唯利是圖的人僅為獲取金錢而服務或工作的人;以金錢為目的人One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling.