拼音:wéi lán英文解釋:
crawl; pen; rail【法】 fencing
地產或地段的柵欄、籬笆 >>查看“圍欄”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lair 2.railings 3.stockade 4.railfence 5.fence漢語造句:
- 那狐狸在圍欄下面掘(一條路)到雞窩處。The fox burrowed (its way) under the fence to reach the chickens.
- 畜欄用來圈住牲畜的圍欄An enclosure for confining livestock.
- 洶湧而來的示威者衝破了圍欄。A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.
- 小羊羔被放在圍欄里養著。The lambs were kept in the stockade.
- 她在那個圍欄里養了一匹馬。She keeps a horse in that enclosure.
- 他從圍欄的縫隙窺視。He peeped through a chink in the fence.
- 犯人嚴禁接近圍欄,違者格殺勿論。Prisoners were forbidden to approach the fence under pain of death.