拼音:wèi jué英文解釋:
gustation; palate; sapor; sense of taste; taste【醫】 gustation; gustatory organs; gustatory sense; hypergeusia; taste
taste sense
味覺感受器受到化學物質刺激後在味覺中樞引起的感覺,由酸、甜、苦、鹹四種基本感覺組... >>查看“味覺”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tastesensation 2.senseoftaste 3.gustatorysensation 4.senseofsmell 5.tastesense 6.gustatorysense例句:
- 她的味覺非常靈敏。Her tastes is unusually keen.
- 味覺與嗅覺是密切相關的。Taste and smell are closely connected.
- 我喪失了味覺。I lost my sense of taste.
- 味覺:口感柔和,果味濃郁,是一款另人愉悅的紅葡萄酒。Palate:It is a pleasant soft fruity red wine.
- 她的味覺很可能衰退了。there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
- 有天我發現自己真的有敏銳的味覺。"I discovered that I have a really sharp palate
- 完全是味覺動物的天蠍座對香水非常偏愛。SCORPIO: Scent-ual Scorpios really appreciate perfumes or colognes.
- 昆蟲的味覺高度發達。Insects have the most highly developed sense of taste.