字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>味道的的英文翻譯


拼音:wèi dào de




  1. 帶有濃郁的唱詩班味道的曲子
    a piece with a dense choral texture
  2. 你們有哪些味道的冰淇淋?
    What flavors of ice cream do you have?
  3. 由啤酒花製成的有濃烈味道的清啤酒;尤指波希米亞啤酒。
    pale beer with strong flavor of hops; especially a Bohemian beer.
  4. 腐臭的具有變質食油或脂肪那種難聞氣味或味道的;惡臭難聞的
    Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank.
  5. 你可以在受歡迎的六種味道的冰淇淋中任意挑選一種!
    You may choose anyone from the six popular flavours of ice cream!
  6. 有令人愉快的味道的(似糖的)。
    having a pleasant taste (as of sugar)
  7. 嘗起來、聞起來十分有水果味道的
    tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit.
  8. 這是有強烈味道的無色液體。
    It is a colourless liquid with a burning taste
