拼音:wéi chí zhì xù 英文解釋:
【法】 maintenance of order例句:
- 1998年,南非與波札那也派遣了軍隊到賴索托以維持秩序。
In 1998 South Africa and Botswana sent troops to restore order.
- 已增派了一些警察到那些會出現人群的地方去維持秩序。
Additional police have been ordered out to control the expected crowds.
- 主席敲擊桌子以維持秩序。
The chairman rapped on the table for order
- 幾名治安人員到場維持秩序。
Several officers of the law were on hand to keep the peace.
- 因無人維持秩序, 教室里一片混亂.
With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.
- 政府派出警力維持秩序。
The government ordered the police out to keep order in the streets.
- 他們要設法維持秩序。
They will be trying to keep order.