- 成幼同型一種動物在未成熟階段與成年階段外形的相似
A resemblance in form between the immature and adult stages of an animal
- 一個尚未成熟的青年
A callow youth
- 當蔬菜吃的未成熟的豆莢。
immature bean pod eaten as a vegetable
- 小卵一小的或未成熟的卵細胞
A small or immature ovum.
- 成髓細胞,原始粒細胞骨髓的一種未成熟細胞,是髓細胞的前身
An immature cell of the bone marrow that is the precursor of a myelocyte.
- 酸果汁山楂或其它酸果(如未成熟的葡萄等)的酸果汁
The acidic juice of crab apples or other sour fruit, such as unripe grapes.
- 青春期;在未成熟的青春期
The age of adolescence; at an awkward age.
- 成髓細胞,原始粒細胞骨髓的一種未成熟細胞,是髓細胞的前身
An immature cell of the bone marrow that is the precursor of a myelocyte