字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>位標的英文翻譯


拼音:wèi biāo


【計】 indexer


  1. 刻尺度將計量單位標以刻度;劃分度數
    To sector into units of measurement; graduate.
  2. 位標記表明水曾經達到的最高高度的標記
    A mark showing the greatest height to which water has risen.
  3. 平台、燈架、通道樓梯等部位標示有顏色代碼嗎?
    Is the color code shown on platform, light support, access stair and so on?
  4. AIM-9X空空飛彈位標器新技術分析和評價
    Analysis and evaluation of new approach of AIM-9X AAM seeker
  5. 毫米波導引頭位標器中歸零力矩的分析
    The Analysis of Anti-Turning Moment in DGP of mmW Seeker
  6. 用作描述符的一種字、符號或數,用於從某一集合中,特別是從某一配位標引系統中檢索信息
    , especially in a coordinate indexing system
  7. 位標記表明水曾經達到的最高高度的標記
    A mark showing the greatest height to which water has risen
  8. 多元探測紅外飛彈位標器振動噪聲抑制
    Vibrating Noise Restraint of Multi-Sensor IR Seeker
