字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>維的英文翻譯 “維”的日文翻譯



dimension; maintain; preserve; thought; tie up
【化】 dimension


維 (維) wéi 系,連結:維繫。維縶。 保持:維持。維護。維修。維生素。 ...


  1. 辭彙是思的工具。
    Words are your tools of thought.
  2. 1.8%阿菌素水乳劑高效液相色譜分析方法的研究
    Study on Analysis of 1.8% Abamectin EW by HPLC
  3. 編織的或類似於編織的纖
    a knitted fabric, or one resembling knitting.
  4. 腳,莖聯接大腦各部分的莖狀神經纖
    A stalklike bundle of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain.
  5. 語詞法分析器研究開發
    Research on Uyghur Word Analyzer
  6. 軟毛織物由這種羊毛或者類似的纖織成的細軟毛織物
    A soft fabric made of this wool or of similar fibers.
  7. 作為護問題的街道格局>,1985.
    Holleran, M. "Street Patterns as a Preservation Issue." 1985.
  8. 對奧斯辛來說鮮有什麼新的利用是行得通的。
    Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new.
