拼音:wàn suì 英文解釋:
long live; the emperor中文解釋:
(1) ∶千秋萬代,永遠存在(祝頌的話)皆呼萬歲。——《... >>
查看“萬歲”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
hail 2.
hooray 3.
longlive 4.
vive 5.
banzai 6.
viva 7.
hurrah 8.
huzza 相關對話:
- 人們齊聲歡呼:`國王?em>蛩輳。?
The whole crowd took up the cry: `Long live the King!'
- 於是,村辦學校繼續辦下去,至少暫時能這樣,讓我們為現在的職員高呼萬歲!
So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
- 女王萬歲!
Hurrah for the Queen!
- 我們不是有個口號叫“中華民族大團結萬歲”嗎?
We have a slogan, "Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation" Right
- 萬歲日本人在進攻時的吶喊或愛國的歡呼;
A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer
- 要塞已被奪回,我們恢復了和平。西萊納萬歲!
The garrison is restored, harmony maintained. Praise to Sylanna!
- 我們不是有個口號叫“中華民族大團結萬歲”嗎?
We have a slogan, "Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation" Right?
- 全世界愛好和平的青年大團結萬歲!
Long live the great unity of peace-loving youth all over the world!