拼音:wàn shì 英文解釋:
all things; everything
一切事情;全部事情萬事如意 >>
查看“萬事”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他似乎是個萬事通。其實他是再愚蠢不過了。
It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.
- 他似乎是個萬事通。
It seems as if he knows everything.
- 【諺】耐心等待,萬事皆成。
Everything comes to him who waits.
- 祝你身體健康和萬事如意.
I wish you health and success.
- 勤勞面前萬事易,懶散面前萬事難。
All things are easy to industry, all things difficult to sloth.
- 萬事開頭難。
It may be difficult to do at first.
- 萬事達公司一季度同樣表現搶眼。
MasterCard had a strong quarter
- 我的是萬事達卡。
Here is my Master card.