拼音:wān lù 英文解釋:
crooked road; detour中文解釋:
(1) ∶不直的路(2) ∶比喻因不得法或失誤而花費冤枉工夫的方法 >>
查看“彎路”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tortuouspath 相關對話:
- 在這條彎路上,你最好減速。
You would better ease down on this curve .
- 彎路偏離偏離行動的直接路線
A deviation from a direct course of action
- 彎彎曲曲的道路,彎路
a curvy road
- 彎路偏離偏離行動的直接路線
A deviation from a direct course of action.
- 儘管走了彎路,還是我們首先到那兒。
It was we who arrived there first, despite our detour.
- 長途汽車要繞很多彎路才到達目的地
The coach followed a rather devious course to its destination
- 啟動駕馭能將車穩定下來,尤其是在顛簸的彎路上
Starting the drive settles the chassis, especially though a bumpy corner