拼音:wàn lài jù jì英文解釋:
all is quiet中文解釋:
籟:古代的一種簫。泛指聲音。萬籟:指自然界中萬物發出的各種聲響。形容周圍環境十分... >>查看“萬籟俱寂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 昨夜萬籟俱寂。Everything was quiet during the night.
- 入夜時分, 萬籟俱寂.No sound disturbed the silence of the evening.
- 夜晚萬籟俱寂時突然聽到一聲尖叫,嚇得我汗毛直豎My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night
- 在沉靜的林苑中,我常去傾聽萬籟俱寂。In the quiet grove I often go to listen when all is silent.
- 萬籟俱寂。A great stillness had fallen upon everything