拼音:wàng shèng英文解釋:
flower; flush【經】 thrive
(1) ∶生命力強或情緒高漲精力旺盛(2) ∶興旺繁盛交易旺盛 >>查看“旺盛”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.copiousness 2.gostrong 3.luxuriance 4.flush 5.bloom 6.thrive例句:
- 一隻精力旺盛,受咬人的小狗An exuberant, nippy puppy.
- 他雖年事已高,但仍生氣勃勃,精力旺盛。For all his year, he is none the less active and energetic.
- 市場交易旺盛,買方主要為紐約、英國及部分加拿大人。Market soaring principal buyer New York U.K. partly Canadian.
- 這些食慾旺盛的肉食動物每天要消耗大約五百磅的食物。These voracious predators consume some 500 pounds of food each day.
- 要取得比賽的勝利,一個球隊必須具有旺盛的戰鬥精神。To win a match, a team must have strong fighting spirit.
- 生氣勃勃的充滿活力的或多產的;創造力旺盛的Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.
- 保持旺盛的士氣keep up the morale