拼音:wǎng rì 英文解釋:
in former days中文解釋:
過去的日子;從前往日無冤,近日無讎:從未有過冤仇 >>
查看“往日”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
indaysgoneby 中英例句:
- 我妻子如往日一般身著盛裝從樓上走了下來。
Down came my wife dressed out in all her former splendour.
- 往日激情將熄的餘燼仍可從他的文章中看出來。
The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
- 船起航前往日本。
The ship launched in the direction of Japan.
- 米蘭市市長莫拉蒂正前往日本訪問,她沒有對禁令事件發表評論。
Moratti was unavailable for comment, having left on a trip to Japan
- 最後我們拿到了飛往日本的低價機票。
We got a cheap flight to Japan at the last minute.
- 往日的渡口已被那個隧道取代。
The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel.
- 她從來不沉湎於往日瑣事。
She never immersed herself in that sort of trivia.
- 一個中國貿易代表團已被派往日本。
A Chinese trade mission has been dispatched to Japan