字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>網膜的的英文翻譯


拼音:wǎng mó de


【醫】 epiploic; omental


  1. 視網膜變性就是視網膜的感覺組織缺失或是被破壞。
    This is the loss or destruction of the sensory tissue of the retina.
  2. 網膜的包圍脊髓及大腦的精細膜的或與之有關的
    Of or relating to a delicate membrane enclosing the spinal cord and brain.
  3. 有蓋的,(玻璃體)對網膜的牽引解除。
    Stage 2B: Operculated, traction to retina released.
  4. 有蓋的,(玻璃體)對網膜的牽引解除。
    Stage 2B: Operculated, traction to retina released
  5. 檢查眼睛視網膜的醫療儀器。
    an instrument for examining the retina of the eye.
  6. 關於視網膜的,或在視網膜內的。
    in or relating to the retina of the eye.
