- 基於Linux平台的銷售網路系統
Selling Network System on the Foundation of Linux Flat
- 一小股一束短的資料,在一束轉換網路系統中傳輸
A short block of data transmitted in a packet switching network.
- 一個POS網路系統的配置
The Configuration of POS Network System
- 基於WWW的人工神經網路系統的實現方法
Implementation Method of ANN System Based on WWW
- 濟鋼焦化廠焦爐自動化控制及微機網路系統
Automation Control and Computer Network system of Coke Oven
- 一個CIMS工程計算機網路系統的設計
A Computer Network System Design For a CIMS Project
- 石家莊電視台非線性編輯網路系統設計
The Design of Non-linear Editing Network System in Shijiazhuang TV Station
- 一小股一束短的資料,在一束轉換網路系統中傳輸
A short block of data transmitted in a packet switching network