拼音:wáng hóu 英文解釋:
emir; liege; princes and marquises
王爵和侯爵,也泛指顯赫的爵位 >>
查看“王侯”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
pendragon 2.
liegelord 3.
emeer 4.
emir 例句:
- 大王侯;等級高於王侯的印度王子或國王。
a great raja; a Hindu prince or king in India ranking above a raja.
- 勝者王侯敗者寇。
One became the victor and the other hid a corner of the yard
- 王侯的,王子的王子(或王侯)的或與之相關的;王室的
Of or relating to a prince; royal.
- 公國,侯國,封邑王侯統治的區域或王侯封號的來源地
A territory ruled by a prince or from which a prince derives his title
- 古代不列顛或威爾斯的王侯首領。
the supreme war chief of the ancient Britons.
- 主權,統治權王子或王侯的地位、權力或司法權;主權
The position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty.
- 勝者王侯敗者寇。
One became the victor and the other hid a corner of the yard.
- 王侯或王子統治的區域。
territory ruled by a prince