拼音:wǎng cháng英文解釋:
as one used to do中文解釋:
往日的一般情況;平素今天他比往常回來得晚 >>查看“往常”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 他和往常一樣努力工作。He works as hard as ever.
- 就跟往常一樣。Just the same as always.
- 他似乎和往常一樣忙碌。He seems to be as busy as ever.
- 像往常情況一樣,我們又超額完成了生產計畫。As is often the case, we have overfulfilled the production plan.
- 今晚他會像往常一樣,仍然會進進球隊的首發陣容之中。So he, as usual, is a certain starter.
- 像往常一樣,我和朋友一邊喝茶一邊聊天。I had a tea with and talked to my friend as usual
- 你最近出汗和往常一樣多嗎?D: Have you been sweating as much as you usually do?
- 老喬治像往常一樣在那筆交易中又吃了虧。Old George, as usual, got the fag end of the deal.