拼音:wǎn dǎo 英文解釋:
compline; Evening Prayer; evensong; vesper
(1) ∶教規規定的七個祈禱時刻中的第六個(2) ∶晚上舉行的宗教儀式或禮拜(3... >>
查看“晚禱”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
vespers 2.
hesperinos 3.
complin 4.
hesperinas 相關對話:
- 我們參加了晚禱和晨禱。
We attended evensong as well as morning service.
- 參加晚禱並非硬性規定。
Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.
- 晚禱入睡前背誦或唱頌的七次日課經中的最後一次
The last of the seven canonical hours recited or sung just before retiring.
- 晚禱書晚禱時用的含有語句和讚美詩的書
A book containing the words and hymns to be used at vespers
- 我們參加了晚禱和晨禱.
We attended evensong as well as morning service.
- 晚禱書晚禱時用的含有語句和讚美詩的書
A book containing the words and hymns to be used at vespers.
- 晚禱包括晚禱儀式的一種宗教儀式
A service that includes the office of Vespers