a great number; by all means; myriad; ten thousand【醫】 myria-
萬 (萬) wàn 數目,十個一千:萬戶侯(中國漢代侯爵的最高一級,享有萬戶農...>>查看“萬”在國語字典中的解釋
1.myriad 2.swastika 3.myria例句:
- 陽光透過萬里碧空照耀著北京城。From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed down upon Beijing.
- 這張唱片非常成功,賣了一百萬張。The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.
- 我的工資多達一萬元。I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work.
- 比如說,義大利已經同意為埃塞額比亞提供5萬台筆記本電腦。Italy, for example, has agreed to buy 15,000 laptops for Ethiopia.
- 萬應藥治療所有病患、不幸和困難的藥物;萬應靈藥A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all.
- 有機物變成石油的幾率低於萬分之一。Less than one part in 10 000 of the organic matter becomes oil.
- 記者問安托萬沃克:“你為什麼要投那么多三分呢?”A reporter ask Antoine walker: “so Antoine, why do you shoot so many threes
- 懷著萬分喜悅的心情with a feeling of immeasurable joy