拼音:wài sūn英文解釋:
女兒的兒子。也稱“外孫子” >>查看“外孫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.grandchildren 2.grandbaby例句:
- 那老婆婆牽著外孫的手。The old woman led her grandson by the arm.
- 她是我祖輩中最後一位離世的,我是她惟一的外孫。She was my last living grandparent and I was her only grandchild.
- 派屈克是查理和露絲的外孫。Patrick is the grandson of Charles and Roses.
- 他的相貌讓我想像不出我的外孫們會像什麼樣子。His appearance made me wonder what my grandchildren would look like.
- 老史密斯夫婦有一個女兒和三個外孫女。Old Mr and Mrs Smith have a daughter and three granddaughters
- 老史密斯夫婦有一個女兒和三個外孫女。Old Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a daughter and three granddaughters.