拼音:wài jiāo英文翻譯
diplomacy; foreign affairs【法】 diplomacy; foreign affairs
- 這兩個國家因為外交爭端即將開戰。The two countries were on the point of war due to the diplomatic disputes.
- 他有外交豁免權。He has diplomatic immunity.
- 那個外交官很胖。The diplomat is over weight.
- 日內瓦有世界各國的外交官。There were diplomats of all nationalities in Geneva.
- 外交官通過談判解決了那個國際問題。The diplomat solved the international problem by negotiating.
- 他們不得不贖回被綁架的外交官。They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat.
- 法院對居住在本國的外交官無裁判權。The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.