字典網>> 漢英字典>> W開頭詞條>>外匯兌換的英文翻譯


拼音:wài huì duì huàn


【法】 money-exchanging


  1. 請你告訴我今天的外匯兌換率好嗎?
    Would you please tell me the exchange rate today?
  2. 不知能否告訴我一些外匯兌換率的訊息。
    I wonder if I could give me some information about foreign exchange rates.
  3. 我們一樓的外匯兌換台經辦此事。
    We take care of it at the foreign exchange desk on the first floor.
  4. 昨天, 外匯兌換率下降到低點。
    The international exchange rate dipped to a low point yesterday
  5. 外匯兌換台在二樓。
    The foreign exchange counter is on the second floor.
  6. 存在利率和交易費用的單方向局內外匯兌換問題的競爭分析
    Competitive Analysis of One-way Trading with Interest and Transaction Cost
