拼音:wāi fēng英文解釋:
contagion; evil wind; unhealthy trend中文解釋:
不正派的作風;不良的風氣歪風邪氣 >>查看“歪風”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 狠狠打擊歪風邪氣take vigorous measures to counter evil trends
- 對這種歪風忍氣吞聲,只會鼓勵更多的歪風。To take such abuse lying down would only encourage more of it.
- 社會上的歪風a social malady
- 頂住歪風邪氣stand up against evil winds and bad tendencies
- 這會助長欺詐歪風。This will put a premium on fraud.
- 打擊歪風, 發揚正氣combat evil trends and foster a spirit of uprightness
- (我們)要煞住歪風邪氣。We must check bad tendencies.