拼音:tù zi 英文解釋:
bunny; cony; hare; lapin; rabbit
(1).兔的通稱。 宋 梅堯臣 《和永叔內翰戲答》詩:“固勝兔子固勝鶴,四蹄撲... >>
查看“兔子”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 她從帽子裡變出一隻兔子來。
She magicked a rabbit out of a hat
- 就像老鷹抓兔子一樣,我也會抓到你。
As the hawk would hunt the rabbit, so shall I hunt you.
- 這隻兔子已死了好長時間了,因為屍體都僵硬了。
The rabbit has been dead for a long time because it was as stiff as a poker
- 我將舉例說明兔子的行為。
By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.
- 兔子吃了哈里斯夫人的鬱金香,她氣得發瘋。
Mrs Harris was mad as a wet hen when the rabbits ate her tulips
- 我可能將恐龍和兔子合併在一起。
I might combine a dinosaur and a rabbit.
- 他瞄準一隻兔子,卻擊中了一隻鳥。
He aimed at a rabbit, but hit a bird
- 又大又凶的老鼠在跟大兔子扭鬥了。
The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit