拼音:tú xiàng xiǎn shì英文解釋:
【計】 map display; pictorial display相關詞條:
- 在圖象顯示期間,一幅圖象由另一幅圖象取代。同一螢幕上,兩幅圖象的可見部分有一分界線,移動這一分界線,把一幅圖象逐漸抹掉(劃出),逐漸顯示另一幅圖象(劃入)。The replacement of one image by another during a period of time by the motion of a boundary separating the visual parts of the two images.
- 顯像管陰極射線管的玻璃前端,圖象顯示在其面The glass front of a cathode-ray tube upon which the image is displayed
- 顯像管陰極射線管的玻璃前端,圖象顯示在其面The glass front of a cathode-ray tube upon which the image is displayed.