拼音:tū qǐ de 英文解釋:
prominent; protuberant相關詞條:
gibbous 2.
prominent 3.
papillose 相關對話:
- 桶腹突起的地方。
A barrel swells in the middle.
- 為了防止水進入船內而在艙口的周圍建的突起的欄板。
a raised frame around a hatchway on a ship to keep water out.
- 花冠某些花的柱頭上的突起的、非規則齒狀的脊狀突起
An elevated, irregularly toothed ridge on the stigmas of certain flowers.
- 象龍骨的形狀象脊或龍骨的,有脊或龍骨的;成脊狀突起的
Shaped like or having a carina or keel; ridged.
- 馬鞍前端突起的部分。
raised front part of a saddle
- 教堂里的一種屏風;它是指教堂內隔開本堂和唱詩班席位的上面有突起的雕像的木質或石頭屏風。
a screen in a church; separates the nave from the choir or chancel