拼音:tú pǔ英文解釋:
a collection of illustrative plates; atlas【醫】 atlas
(1).譜牒。《隋書·牛弘傳》:“至於陰陽《河》《洛》之篇,醫方圖譜之説,彌復... >>查看“圖譜”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.map 2.collectionofillustrativeplates漢語造句:
- 酸棗仁皂苷部位HPLC指紋圖譜的研究Studies on HPLC-FPS of the Saponins from Semen Ziziphi Spinosae
- 芫花根的~1H NMR指紋圖譜解析Analysis for ~1H NMR fingerprint of Radix Daphne genkwa
- 生態環境綜合信息圖譜的研究On the Comprehensive Information TuPu of Eco-environment
- 在Gc電泳圖譜上讀Hp表型The Identification of Hp Phenotypes from Gc Electrophoretic Gel
- 白色念珠菌基因組DNA含量在100ng/μl時,得到的指紋圖譜最為清晰;The fingerprintings were more clearer when the genome DNA was 100ng/μl.
- 紅花的HPLC指紋圖譜分析方法研究Study on HPLC fingerprint analysis of Flos Carthami
- 正是這些標記物被用於繪製遺傳圖譜。It is these markers that are used to do genetic mapping.
- DIG標記羅非魚DNA指紋圖譜研究Studies on DIG Labeled DNA Fingerprinting of Tilapia