- 閱讀文章“焦點群體”,對小組計畫實行方法進行拓展。
For a neat extension of focus group methodology, read "Focus Troops"
- “真實教育,主動生活”項目是學校拓展其視野的發動機。
REAL is the vehicle which the school is using to broaden its horizons.
- 現代流通和行銷方式不斷拓展。
Modern methods of distribution and marketing continued to spread.
- 關於世界史學科領域拓展的探討
The Discussion on Expanding Subjects of Esperanto History
- 接線員: 我認為您可以與孫鵬先生聯繫,他是我們的業務拓展經理。
You need to talk to Mr Sun Peng, he is our Business Development manager.
- 我覺得過度倚賴一家客戶會有危險,於是著手拓展客源。
I sensed the danger inherent in over reliance on a single customer base
- 德爾菲法定量分析的拓展:區間二分法
Expansion on the Delphi quantitative analysis
- AutoCAD環境下曲線功能的拓展
Extension of curve creation in AutoCAD