拼音:tuō lí de英文解釋:
1.secessional 2.diastatic 3.bolted相關對話:
- 脫離脫離的行為The act of breaking away.
- 股份有限公司是一種與所有者脫離的、獨立的法律實體。A corporation is a separate and legal entity apart from its owners
- 伴視網膜脫離的高度近視眼m-ERG和傳統視覺電生理改變m-ERG and ERG changes in high myopia eyes with retinal detachment
- 精神病能產生一種與現實世界脫離的感覺。Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.
- 精神病能產生一種與現實世界脫離的感覺。Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world