拼音:tuō lěi英文解釋:
be a burden on; cumber with; drag; encumber; implicate【法】 incumbrance
連累;牽累沒有行李的拖累,他們不久就可以追上馬車 >>查看“拖累”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.todragon(aperson) 2.lumber 3.cumber中英例句:
- 成了家的人,可以說對命運之神付出了抵押品。因為家庭難免拖累事業,而無論這種事業的性質如何。HE THAT hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; For they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.
- 包袱妨礙或拖累的物體,如裝備或者行李Objects, such as provisions or baggage, that impede or encumber.
- 他被一個大家庭所拖累。He is encumbered with a large family.
- 孩子簡直把你拖累住了吧?Children do tie you down, don't they?