- 把你下載的檔案拖動到這個資料夾里。
Drag the file you downloaded to this folder.
- 拖船用作拖動或推動大船的大馬力小船
A small powerful boat designed for towing or pushing larger vessels
- 直流電力拖動調速技術
speed control technology of D.C.drive
- 用卡車或拖拉機拖動的大的運輸工具。
a large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor.
- 負荷物被拉或拖動的東西;裝載物
Something that is pulled or drawn; a load.
- 使用滑鼠,你可以很容易地拖動視窗以改變視窗的大小和位置。
You can easily drag a window to change its size and location with the mouse
- 拖動風機的SRD
The SRD of drag-fans
- 小容量直流拖動可控矽供電的新線路
A New Circuit of small Capacity Dc drive with SCR Power Supply