拼音:tuǒ dāng de 英文解釋:
appropriate; pertinent; proper相關詞條:
adequate 漢語造句:
- 這是妥當的辦法嗎?否。
Is that the right way to do it? No.
- 人們認為年輕女子獨自去那裡是極不妥當的。
It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.
- 所有認為不妥當的段落的刪除。
the deletion of all passages considered to be indecent.
- 所有打點妥當的人,都可以在這本書中找到成功所不可或缺的鼓舞和鞭策。
They will also receive the needed stimulus to make a start
- 人們仍然認為在戲劇或電影中再現基督的形象是不妥當的。
It is still not considered proper to portray Christ in a play or film.
- 人們仍然認為在戲劇或電影中再現基督的形象是不妥當的。
It is still not considered proper to portray Christ in a play or film
- 所有打點妥當的人,都可以在這本書中找到成功所不可或缺的鼓舞和鞭策。
They will also receive the needed stimulus to make a start.
- 想把事情弄妥當的努力徒然
an inept attempt to put things right