拼音:tuō cí英文解釋:
excuse; find a pretext; plea【法】 false colour; make believe; pretence; pretend; pretext; subterfuge
找藉口予謂此反間也,否則託辭以逐客也。——文天祥《指南錄... >>查看“託詞”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.subterfuge 2.evadible相關對話:
- 對不起沒有給你回信,對此我只能以忘記作為託詞。I am sorry I did not answer your letter -- I can only plead forgetfulness .
- 藉口似是而非的辯稱;藉口,託詞A specious allegation; a pretext
- 作為一個託詞或藉口提出。offer as an excuse or plea.
- 他託詞有病,作為不去上班的理由。He alleged illness as a reason for not going to work .
- 他託詞公共汽車晚點騙我原諒他.He tried to palm me off with some excuse about the bus being late
- 這只是託詞而已。It is merely a pretense.
- 他對遲到有無數的託詞。He had numerous excuses to offer for being late.
- 託詞或妙計An ingenious expedient intended to evade or trick.