拼音:tún bù英文解釋:
buttocks; haunch; hip; huckle; rear end【醫】 fundament; haunch; rump
(1) ∶四足動物後肢的上端和腰相連線的部位(2) ∶各種動物身體後部無明顯標誌... >>查看“臀部”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.breech 2.nates 3.haunch 4.prat 5.pygal 6.rump 7.rearend 8.croup 9.derriere 10.hip 11.huckle 12.backside 13.BTM(bottom) 14.HIPS 15.buttock 16.buns漢語造句:
- 梯形寬鬆衣一種婦性服裝,比如袷衣、裙子或外衣,被裁剪成直接從肩部垂下來的樣式,並沿著臀部和腿部擺來擺去An article of women's clothing, such as a jacket, dress, or coat, that is cut so as to hang down from the shoulders and swing out and away around the hips and legs.
- 腰部人類或四足動物的身體部分,位於脊柱兩側,肋骨與臀部之間The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips.
- 我的臀部很大。I'm quite wide round/in the hips.
- 短毛綿羊、山羊或狗的臀部及後腿上的短羊毛或毛髮The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.