拼音:tú láo wú yì 英文解釋:
shoe the goose中文解釋:
白費力氣,沒有一點好處或成效武力在經濟上的徒勞無益 >>
查看“徒勞無益”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
shoethegoose 2.
flogadeadhorse 3.
limnonwater 4.
lashthewaves 5.
dropabucketintoanemptywell 6.
sendowlstoathens 7.
sendcoalstonewcastle 8.
carryowlstoathens 9.
bringowlstoathens 例句:
- 跟他們爭論是徒勞無益的。
It's useless arguing/to argue with them.
- 鞭打死馬,徒勞無益。
It is useless to flog a dead horse.
- 他一生都是把水桶投入空井,做了些徒勞無益的事情。
He spent all his life in dropping buckets into empty wells.
- 這樣做只會徒勞無益。
It could be expensive.
- 我勸我丈夫戒菸,但徒勞無益。
I advised my husband to give up smoking, but in vain.
- 乾草堆里找針; 徒勞無益
look for a needle in a bottle of hay
- 我所做的所有工作都徒勞無益。
All my work was in vain.
- 別往紐卡斯爾(英國煤都)運煤。/ 多此一舉,徒勞無益。
Don’t carry coals to Newcastle.