拼音:tú jiě英文解釋:
chart; diagrammatize; figure; graph; graphic solution【計】 graphic analysis; graphic solution
【經】 graphic chart; graphic expression; graphic solution; graphs
(1) ∶以圖或其他看得見的表現方法為一個主題所作的說明(2) ∶利用圖形來解釋... >>查看“圖解”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.diagram 2.llustrate 3.illustration 4.illustrateddiagram 5.chart 6.figure 7.graphicmethod 8.graphically 9.graphicsolution 10.nomogram(-raph) 11.graphicalanalysis 12.nomograph 13.pictorialization 14.graphiccalculate 15.blockscheme漢語造句:
- 用圖解或示例解釋詞義往往比用定義解釋更清楚。Illustration is often more useful than definition for showing what words mean.
- 彩色插圖書的整頁圖解,經常為彩色,印刷在與印刷正文頁材料不同的紙張上A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
- 她給了我一張鐵路網圖解。She gave me a diagram of railway network.
- 圖表或圖解A chart or graph.