拼音:tuì wèi英文解釋:
give up the throne; lay down the sceptre【計】 BS
(1) ∶最高統治者讓出統治地位光緒皇帝被迫退位了(2) ∶泛指退出原有的職位或... >>查看“退位”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.laydownthesceptre 2.abdication中英例句:
- 英王愛德華八世於1936年退位。King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936.
- 如果國王不退位那他只能被廢黜了。If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned.
- 愛德華八世退位演講The Abdication Speech of Edward Ⅷ
- 李光耀打算退位而依然聽政。Lee Kuan-yew contemplates retiring with a hand on the helm
- 國王愛德華八世於1936年退位與一個平民結婚。King Edward Ⅷ abdicated in 1936 to marry a commoner
- 國王喬治退位時,其弟繼承王位。When King George abdicated, his brother succeeded him on the throne.