拼音:tuí sāng 英文解釋:
dejected; dispirited; listless中文解釋:
精神委靡不振,情緒消沉:精神頹喪。 >>
查看“頹喪”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
dejection 相關對話:
- 告訴她不要頹喪。
Tell her to bear up .
- 父親的去世使我感到頹喪。
I was unmanned by the death of my father.
- 教員們也頹喪起來,抽上了鴉片煙。
The teachers, becoming demoralized, took to smoking opium.
- 我說不出這心為什麼那樣默默地頹喪著。
I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence.
- 他的思想漸浙地有些頹喪。
Gradually, his thoughts took on a tinge of despair
- 他令人鼓舞的話使我頹喪的精神振作起來。
His encouraging words revived my drooping spirits.
- 他的思想漸浙地有些頹喪。
Gradually, his thoughts took on a tinge of despair.
- 精神上頹喪;無寄託的
Spiritually impoverished or alienated.