拼音:tuì ràng 英文解釋:
concede; give in; give way; step aside; yield中文解釋:
讓步,在壓力、堅決要求或懇請下讓步、屈服在原則問題上從不退讓 >>
查看“退讓”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 演講者雄辯的言辭說得他的對手退讓了。
The speaker's forceful words persuaded his opponents to back down.
- 因此,老同志要有意識地退讓。
So the veteran comrades should deliberately make way.
- 對於富農,是一步也退讓不得。
Not an inch must be conceded to the rich peasants.
- 稍微退讓一點
give in a little
- 薩科齊的前任者在罷工問題上做出了退讓,而他退讓的機率是多少?
What are the chances of his fluffing it, as his predecessors did?
- 讓渡把(如,優勢)讓與他人;退讓
To give up(an advantage, for example) to another; concede.