拼音:tuì chū英文解釋:
exit; drop out; quit; retreat from; secede; set out; withdraw from【計】 backing-out; exit; quit; Windows exit
(1) ∶離開所參與的某事或某種活動退出虎門外。——《廣... >>查看“退出”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cryofffrom 2.loggingout 3.logout 4.loggingoff 5.makeone'sexit 6.walkout 7.weaselout 8.takeone'snameoffthebooks 9.retreatfrom 10.abdicatefrom 11.Windowsexit 12.bowout 13.exitWindows 14.pull...outof 15.logoff 16.fallbytheway漢語造句:
- 除非某個心懷不滿的大亨加以反對並威脅要退出,這樣決定下來的名單就成了人名單。如果出現反對或退出的行為,那就稱為“撕毀候選人名單”。The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called "breaking the slate".
- 他讓他的馬退出了比賽。He withdrew his horse from the race.
- 他從政三十年之後,終於決定退出政壇。After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
- 我退出這個計畫--我不同意它。I'm bowing out of this scheme I don't approve of it.
- 布萊克先生由於健康不佳而退出政治生涯。Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health.