拼音:tuī chóng 英文解釋:
cry up; praise highly
尊崇,推重崇敬 >>
查看“推崇”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
inthrone 2.
cryup 3.
canonize 例句:
- 我不得不求上天為紀念朱利葉斯·愷撒而祝福,因為他曾大力推崇胖子而又討厭瘦個子。
I cannot but bless the memory of July Caesar, for the great esteem he express for fat men and his aversion to lean one.
- 他的作品深受評論家推崇。
His work is highly thought of by the critics.
- 《阿甘正傳》是一部讓人推崇的影片。
Forrest Gump was an adorable piece of cinema.
- 指出他們過分推崇體力勞動,輕視腦力勞動帶來的遺害。
Also it points out the disadvantage of the view.
- 推舉至高位;推崇
To raise to a lofty position; exalt
- 在眾多的奧林波斯山神中,主神宙斯和雷托之子阿波羅最受推崇。
Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.
- 他的作品深受評論家推崇。
His work is highly thought of by the critics.