拼音:tǔ fāng 英文解釋:
cubic meter of earth; earthwork中文解釋:
(1) ∶挖土的計量單位,一立方米土(2) ∶不見於醫書的民間流行的藥方 >>
查看“土方”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
cubicmetreofearth 中英例句:
- 土方工程在三小時內就完成了。
The earthwork was cast up in three hours.
- 這項工程要挖40萬土方。
This project involved 400000 cubic metres of earthwork.
- 基於數模的土方計算系統開發
Earthwork Calculation System Based on DTM
- 共搬運土方15億立方米。
1.5 billion cubic metres of earth were/was moved.
- DTM在土方計算中的套用
Application DTM to Calculation of Cutting and Filling
- 土方工程在三小時內就完成了。
The earthwork was cast up in three hours.