拼音:tǔ bō shǔ英文解釋:
groundhog; marmot【醫】 marmot; tarabagan
即旱獺。《本草綱目·獸三·土撥鼠》﹝集解﹞引 唐 陳藏器 曰:“土撥鼠,生... >>查看“土撥鼠”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.woodchuck 2.tarabagan 3.groundhog漢語造句:
- 11月份土撥鼠都入洞冬眠。In November the ground hogs all hole up for the winter.
- 一隻巨大的土撥鼠玩具坐在腳踏車后座上,看起來真逗!A big marmot toy sitting on the bike, looked so funny!
- 把土撥鼠當成巨星一樣崇拜。D)To worship the groundhog as a star
- 把土撥鼠從睡眠中叫醒。A)To wake the groundhog from its sleep
- 如此可愛的土撥鼠,難怪我會那么喜歡它,呵呵!Such a cute marmot, no wander I like it so much, hehe!
- 一隻獨立的土撥鼠要想能生存下去,它必須要能經受住風風雨雨。To survive as a lone marmot, you have to be tough.
- 如果土撥鼠看到了它的影子,那么冬天還要持續六周!If the groundhog wakes and sees his shadow, six weeks of winter!
- 一隻獨立的土撥鼠要想能生存下去,它必須要能經受住風風雨雨。To survive as a lone marmot, you have to be tough