拼音:tóu piào rén英文解釋:
voter【法】 tenderer; voter
- 選舉無效的聲明聲稱某一投票無效或某一投票人不合格A claim that a vote is invalid or that a voter is unqualified
- 一些投票人憤然地離開了會場。Some voters stormed out of the meeting place.
- 用賄賂投票人手段來操縱選舉to manipulate an election by bribing the voters
- 他那引起反對的唐突行為;引起許多投票人反對的講話。his antagonizing brusqueness; a speech that was antagonizing to many voters
- 他對每一個投票人都在頻送秋波。He was giving the glad eye to every voter.
- 對(投票人的)資格或(選票的)有效性質疑To question the qualifications of(a voter) or validity of(a vote)
- 每一個投票人會收到一個獨一的選票號碼。Each voter receives a unique ballot code
- 對(投票人的)資格或(選票的)有效性質疑To question the qualifications of(a voter) or validity of(a vote).